Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Catching up and PREGO!!

Ok... so I haven't been very good about blogging. In fact, I kind of forgot I created this blog!! To be honest... I have no clue how to tell people about it?!?! Ha! But, I am blogging anyway... As you can read by the title of this post... I AM PREGNANT!!
Most everyone knows this already... so I guess it's not new news. I am 12 weeks along and starting to show. I wish I would show more!! My pants are all too tight but maternity clothes are mostly too big. :( I am very anxious to actually look prego! :)
We started cleaning out the office & spare bedroom this weekend to get the nursery ready. Obviously I'm a bit ahead of schedule but I am excited! We had an ultrasound this past Monday and it was awesome to actually see the baby and the little heartbeat. They let us listen to it as well. It was beating at 165 beats/minute. Apparently the faster the heartrate the better chance it's a GIRL! I think 165 is pretty fast, right?!?! ha!

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